When you purchase music from the iTunes Store, these songs and albums are automatically added to your iTunes library: but what if you want to add to iTunes music purchased from other music stores, or add to iTunes MP3's and other audio files from your computer? iTunes makes the process very easy, and this tutorial explains how to do just that.
Follow these steps to import and add a music audio file (MP3 or other) to iTunes:
Tip: when you add MP3 and other audio files from your computer to iTunes, only a "link" to the file is created. In other words, the original MP3 is not copied to your iTunes Media folder. Read the next section of this tutorial to see how to force iTunes to create a copy of the imported music files.
To save time, iTunes also lets you import an entire music folder, which spares you from adding or importing individual MP3's, one at a time:
iTunes' default behavior is not to duplicate files on your computer: therefore, when you add an MP3 or other audio file to your iTunes library, the original file is not copied: the downside to this approach is that when you change computer, a backup of your iTunes library will not include music files you manually added to your library.
Here's how to make iTunes create copies of imported files inside the music (Media) folder:
From now on, any time you import music into iTunes, it will automatically create copies of these files (MP3 or other) inside your actual music folder! Next time you migrate your iTunes library to another computer, these files will be imported as well.