If you have used it for any length of time, you probably already know that you can create folders in iTunes to store shortcuts to your favorite pieces of music, albums, songs, TV shows, audiobooks, etc. This is a wonderful and practical way to organize your digital content, and make it available just a click away inside your iTunes library. But what about the iPad, specifically the iPad's "iPod" application - which you use to play music, audiobooks, or audio podcasts?
This common question one can ask oneself is actually answered differently: the iPod app on your iPad doesn't let you create folders per setting, but it does create playlists - and, when you think about it, the playlists you create in iTunes are more or less like folders, in that they let you assemble various pieces of digital entertainment into a single location.
The main difference is that iTunes lets you organize these playlists inside folders themselves - just like you would create folders and subfolders on your computer (Windows 7 / Vista / XP or Mac OS X). For now, we will just have to live with the current limitation that your iPad does not support subfolders, but that it support "folders" as "playlists". Read the following tutorial to learn how to create a playlist on your iPad, using the built-in iPod application (you can also remove and delete playlists from your iPad). If Apple adds the functionality that allows you to create playlist folders on your iPad, we will update this tutorial as soon as possible!