By default, iTunes will send you email notifications not only when you purchase a season pass from the iTunes Store, but also whenever a new episode is available for download. If you have purchased several season passes, these email notices can become quite overwhelming; besides, depending on your iTunes Store download settings, you may not even need these email updates for new episodes, since iTunes will automatically download these new TV shows as they are posted in the iTunes Store, and become available for download. In this tutorial, we will show you how to prevent these new episode download notification emails to be sent to the email address attached to your Apple ID - in essence, how to unsubscribe from these new episode notifications. The next tutorial explains how to prevent multi-pass TV seasons from automatically renewing / or to turn it on an enable automated billing.
Cancel new episode notifications from the iTunes Store
Follow these steps to prevent iTunes from sending you new episode notification emails:
- If needed, open iTunes
- Click on the "Store" menu
- Choose "View My Account", and enter your password when iTunes asks for it
- Your "Apple Account Information" screen will open inside iTunes
- Scroll down until you see "Passes" (stands for "season passes")
- Click on the "Manage Passes" button
- The next screen displays all active and completed season passes you purchased from the iTunes Store
- Each of the current season passes has a checkbox next to it: that checkbox checked by default, for every new season pass you purchase.
- Manually uncheck the checkbox next to the title of each season pass for which you don't want to receive a new episode email notification:

- Then, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on "Done" to save your changes
- iTunes will bring you back to the Account Information screen from which we came
- From now on, you will not receive any new episode notification emails for the season passes you just unchecked (conversely, all season passes that you have checked, or left checked, will still send a notice as new episodes become available for download). This is a setting you can go back and change as needed.
- There is currently no way to tell iTunes not to send new episode notifications: you will have to go to your iTunes account and manually uncheck new season passes you purchase, to avoid getting these emails
- To automatically file or delete new episode notification emails, use email rules / email filters:
• Create an email rule in Mac Mail (Apple Mail)
• Create an email filter in Mozilla Thunderbird
• Create an email rule in Outlook Express
• Create an email rule in Microsoft Outlook (2007, 2003, 2002, 2000)
• Create an email filter in Windows Live Hotmail
And this is how you cancel new episode email notifications from the iTunes Store!