Welcome to our iTunes Store Tutorial — This series of free tutorials will help you make the most of the iTunes Store; while iTunes itself is a fine audio and video player for Mac and Windows, its strength comes in great part from its tight integration with the iTunes Store, which makes a huge selection of digital content literally a click away. Living without the iTunes Store feels a bit like having to go back to pre-internet days. In conjunction with your iPod and a laptop, the iTunes Store easily becomes the central hub of your entertainment: music, audiobooks, movies, TV shows, and soon ebooks, with the introduction of the iPad and iBooks.
We will first start with a quick tour and overview of the iTunes Store, a tutorial mainly targeted at beginners: how to access content, the browser preview, how to master the store's navigation bar, and more. The more you see the iTunes Store as what it actually is, a shopping website like Amazon.com, the less intimidating it will become - it is just a website that runs within a special piece of software, namely iTunes.
You'll then learn the various ways in which you can purchase content from the iTunes Store, how to complete pre-purchased partial albums, avoiding duplicate content, get refunds, etc. And in the next tutorial, how to change the credit card attached to your iTunes account (and how to delete your credit card and use PayPal with iTunes). We will also explain how to authorize / deauthorize computers from iTunes (dissociate them from your Apple ID) - you can at most have 5 iTunes-authorized computers.
iTunes comes with a few settings affecting the iTunes Store directly: we will show you how to configure these to your liking in our customize your iTunes Store settings tutorial. Another tutorial shows you how to download content from the iTunes Store and customize your download settings outside iTunes Preferences.
In our iTunes Store tips and tricks tutorial, you will learn a series of convenient tips designed to make easier things you may have been doing "the long way" so far, like loading the Store page of an item in your iTunes library, browsing the iTunes Store in a full window, opening it in a new window, etc.