With iTunes 8, Apple introduced the "Grid View" way of displaying your music, movies, TV shows, audiobooks, and more. This allows you to quickly get a glance at your entire iTunes library for the currently selected "media type", especially since the slider in the top right corner of the window can be used to make the thumbnails smaller (or larger, if you have few items). By default, this grid view uses the same white background color as the rest of the interface (list area of the main window, on the right hand side). But, perhaps to keep in line with other products it offers, like Apple TV, iTunes now allows you to switch to an elegant, dark gray background instead.
First, access the Preferences dialog by pressing Ctrl+comma on Windows or Command+comma on Mac OS X (or choosing "Preferences" under the "iTunes" menu on Mac or "Edit" menu on Windows). Once the dialog opens, select the "General" tab is selected: the second group of settings includes a "Grid View" dropdown menu, with the value "Light" selected by default. Click on it; then, select "Dark" and click on the "OK" button to apply this new option and preview the change in iTunes.
The screenshot below shows you the result with Light grid view (white) and Dark grid view (a charcoal or anthracite background). Notice that iTunes leaves the duration text in the same font color, but updates the item name in the grid view from black to white (for legibility).
Note: while background color for grid views is ultimately a matter of personal preference, we find that dark background colors tend to make it easier to concentrate, and in this case, to quickly locate the content you are looking for in your iTunes library! Well worth a try, regardless...