Welcome to our iPad Tutorial! After MacBook, iPod, and iPhone, iPad becomes the latest portable consumer electronic gadget released by Apple, to take the world by storm - and give a whole new potential to tablet computing for the mainstream. Only a few months after its initial release in 2010, the iPad already represents a significant market share of mobile operating systems, and blogs are ablaze with rumors of a new iPad version coming out this December. In this section of the site, you will learn everything you can about this new device with our free iPad tutorials - we'll start with basic iPad tutorials for beginners, and gradually delve into more advanced topics, how-to's, and tips & tricks.
Since the iPad is so intuitive, many tutorials will focus on intermediate to advanced topics like how to customize your iPad settings and options, including how to change the preferences of some applications (or "apps"), which is all handled from a central location. Our iPad tutorials for beginners will explain the basics of managing files and information on your device, and the essentials of the hardware itself - like all buttons and controls located on the casing or on screen.
Our first series of tutorials don't assume much familiarity with Apple's tablet: we'll start by explaining some of the basic tasks you are likely to perform on your iPad, like accessing it from your computer, saving an image from a web page, registering your device with your existing Apple ID (the username and password you enter in iTunes), etc.
Apple has made the iPad and its applications highly customizable, for the most part: in that series of tutorials, you will learn how to customize all aspects of your iPad, including both software settings (like showing or hiding battery information or enabling / disabling wireless) to hardware options, like configuring what the switch button does.
Once of the biggest selling point for the iPad is the huge ecosystem of custom applications it has opened for small developers and consumers. For this reason, we devote a large portion of our iPad tutorials to showing you how to manage and organize apps on your device, and we'll probably also include some tips and tricks for, if not popular programs from Apple's "App Store", at least for some of the apps that come bundled with every iPad, like Mail, iPod, the Calendar, etc.